Horse Springs Campground – East Fork of the Black River

Horse Springs Campground
Campsite at Horse Springs Campground

Horse Springs Campground is the largest campground on the East Fork of the Black River.  The campground is shaded by Ponderosa pines. This is the campground with the most amenities on the East Fork including new toilet facilities, a group ramada and a picnic area. Several campsites are accessible.  Horse Springs is a great place to consider when all of the Mogollon Rim Campgrounds are full.  Taking the extra drive to get here is beyond worth it.

If you are looking for a more secluded camping experience, check out the campgrounds upriver including Raccoon, Deer Creek, Aspen and Diamond Rock.

Fishing the East Fork definitely has its rewards. An 11 pound 7 ounce rainbow trout was taken in the summer of 2003 just above Aspen Campground. The campground is just a hundred yards away from the river. Most of the East Fork of the Black River is fish-able, and this is very much fly fishing heaven in Arizona. Rainbow trout are regularly stocked at several locations along the river starting in spring and continuing through the summer months. Brook trout, brown and Arizona’s State fish the Apache trout can all be caught along this stretch of river.

Wildlife is predominate in the area, Bighorn sheep, waterfowl, bears and elk can be seen in the surrounding area regularly, so make sure you pack everything up at night to avoid any confrontations. Make sure you bear proof your campsite here as this is bear country.


From Alpine: Drive north 2 miles to forest road 249. Turn west and travel down a nice gravel/dirt road 5 miles to forest road 276. Turn south and travel 10.5 miles to the Horse Springs Campgrounds.

From Big Lake: Travel east on FR113 (Big Lake Entrance) 0.7 miles to the next right turn and drive 0.7 miles to FR 24. Turn left onto FR 24 and drive for 10 miles to FR 276. Turn left on to FR 276 and drive 1.8 miles to the campground entrance.

General Notes

  • Elevation: 7610′
  • Season: May to October
  • Stay Limit: 14 days
  • Campsites: 27
  • Trailer Limit: 32′
  • Potable Water
  • Restrooms: Vault
  • Showers, dump station and General store available at Big Lake
  • First come first served campground. Reservations are not accepted
  • Information: Alpine Ranger District 928-339-5000
  • No utility hookups
  • Picnic tables, rock fire rings
  • Pets must be restrained on a leash