2019 Havasupai and Havasu Falls Camping Reservation Information

Havasupai and Havasu Falls Camping Reservation Info
  • Reservations begin on February 1st at 8 a.m. for the 2019 season
  • You must create an account on https://www.havasupaireservations.com
  • Reservations can be made from February 1st to November 30th, 2019
  • As of today, January 18th, 2019, pricing has not been set.

Important 2019 Havasupai and Havasu Falls Campground Reservations Notice

NEW IN 2019: If you would like to visit Havasupai and Havasu Falls in 2019, you will first need to create an account on HavasupaiReservations.com – and setting up an account NOW will greatly reduce your stress on Opening Day!

Opening Day is when campground reservations for the entire 2019 season (February through November) go on sale.

Since the entire season completely sold out almost instantly on last year’s Opening Day, be sure to create an account now – and then come back, sign in to your account, and be ready to go by 8:00 AM (Arizona Time) on February 1st when the reservation calendar for the entire 2019 season opens up at https://www.havasupaireservations.com

Looking forward to possibly seeing you in Havasupai!

HavasupaiReservations.com | TheOfficialHavasupaiTribe.com

Here is some additional information about Havasupai.

ALL visits to Havasupai and Havasu Falls require a reservation made PRIOR to arrival.

ALL campground spots for all of 2019 (February through November) will be available online starting February 1, 2019 at 8 AM (Arizona Time).

On February 1st, sign in to your account any time before 8 AM to get ready – and then at 8 AM the page will automatically refresh and the “Make a 2019 Campground Reservation” button will activate which will allow you to proceed.

When making a reservation, all information fields will automatically be filled in using your Account Information – and you will then be able to review/edit that information prior to purchasing. After a reservation has been finalized and paid for, no further changes can be made. There is only one name on the reservation – and a reservation is only valid if the person named on the reservation is present at the Tourist Check-in Office in the Village of Supai (on the way to the campground) with photo ID – otherwise the reservation is NOT valid and will NOT be honored. Multiple people may be included on one reservation and they may reimburse you for up to the face value cost of their spot on your reservation. Native American discounts are processed upon check-in with a valid reservation and identification. All reservations are paid in full at the time the reservation is made and are non-refundable, non-transferable, and non-changeable. Trip/travel insurance is thus highly recommended.

Pricing for 2019 has not yet been finalized (but will include all necessary fees, permits, and taxes.) This site will be updated when 2019 pricing is finalized.

Reselling of reservations (in all or in part) is strictly prohibited.


What is the best time of year to visit?

With demand so high, the best time to visit is, frankly, whenever you are able to make a reservation.

Since last year sold out almost instantly, the best strategy is to be as flexible as possible and grab whatever dates are still available when reservations open up for the season on the morning of February 1, 2019.

The water temperature is roughly 70 degrees all year long.

The air temperature is similar to that of Phoenix – but once you reach the Campground there is lots of shade and water to help keep you cool.

Cooler months of the year are great for hiking and exploring.

Warmer months are great for hanging out in the water (but also mean planning your hikes in and out in the early morning when it is cooler).

And the scenic beauty of being in the Canyon, the many amazing waterfalls, and camping along Havasu Creek is awesome all year around!


What is the ideal trip length?

Based upon tens of thousands of past visitor experiences, the ideal visit is 3 nights and 4 days:

Day 1: Hike in and set up camp
Day 2 and 3: Two full days to rest, recover, enjoy, explore
Day 4: Hike out


Getting to the Campground

It is a 20 mile roundtrip hike from the Hilltop Trailhead in/down to the Campground entrance and then back out/up to the Hilltop Trailhead. It is a rocky and sandy desert trail with a total roundtrip elevation change of nearly one mile (2450 feet / 750 meters down – and then 2450 feet / 750 meters back up). That is TWO Empire State Buildings (meaning it is like climbing down the Empire State Building from the top to the bottom TWICE in a row – and then doing the same thing back up). Plan on 4-6 hours for the hike in and 5-7 hours for the hike out. Be alert and yield to all horses and pack mules on the trail. Night hiking is extremely dangerous and is NOT permitted. Early morning hiking is recommended, especially during the hot summer months to avoid the peak heat of the day.

From Hilltop Trailhead it is 8 miles to the Village of Supai and, once you reach the Village, you must check in at the Tourist Check-In Office (which is usually open from 6am to 6pm from May through October and 9am to 5pm the rest of the year). Bring a printed copy of the email confirmation of your campground reservation (or at least a screen shot of it on your phone). Be sure to also write down (or take a photo of) the license plate number of your vehicle that is parked at the trailhead – you will need it when you check in.

A reservation is only valid if the person named on the reservation is present at the Tourist Check-in Office in the Village of Supai (on the way to the campground) with photo ID – otherwise the reservation is NOT valid and will NOT be honored. If your name is on the reservation you will be able to check in with your photo ID and get the wristbands (permits) for everyone on your reservation. No one is permitted to proceed past the Village without a wristband, so it is your responsibility to make sure that everyone in your group has one before proceeding past the Check-In Office. That means that if the reservation is in your name and you arrive first, you must wait for everyone else on your reservation to arrive before proceeding further – and, if you arrive last, everyone else on your reservation must wait for you to arrive before proceeding further.

From the Tourist Check-In Office it is another 2 miles to reach the Campground entrance. The Campground is a “camp wherever you want” campground running for over a mile on both sides of Havasu Creek between Havasu Falls and Mooney Falls in the Grand Canyon. Camping is NOT permitted anywhere other than in the actual campground. Gas canister backpacking cooking stoves are ok, but all other types of flame/fire are NOT permitted. Please be respectful of your fellow campers and respect Quiet Hours from 8pm to 5am. Amplified music is NOT permitted at any time.

Note: Small wild critters in the campground (mice, squirrels, etc) will try to get to your food (and anything else with an odor), even if it means chewing through your pack or tent. All such items must be stored in rodent proof containers.


Getting to the Hilltop Trailhead

The trailhead (where you park your vehicle and begin your 8 mile hike to the Village of Supai) is called Hualapai Hilltop and is located at the end of Indian Road 18, 60 miles from the turnoff from Route 66 (which is 7 miles east of Peach Springs, Arizona). Indian Road 18 is paved – but is open range with many animals crossing the road, so please drive extra carefully, especially at night. Plan for at least 1.5 to 2 hours for this section of road.

The closest gas stations are nearly 70 miles from the trailhead (in Peach Springs on the way to/from Las Vegas, and at Grand Canyon Caverns on the way to/from Phoenix) and may not be open, so please be sure to have enough fuel in your vehicle to cover at least 200 miles of driving before starting down Indian Road 18. The next closest gas stations are in Kingman (to/from Las Vegas) and Seligman and Ash Fork (to/from Phoenix).

There is plenty of parking for all visitors and there are no fees/permits needed for parking, but do not park in areas that say “No Parking” and do not park in the parking area by the helipad – that parking area is only for members of the Havasupai Tribe. While you can park next to the road, do not park on the road. If you ignore these warnings, expect your vehicle to be towed away. Parking is very tight for RV’s – you may have to park some distance away from the trailhead along the side of the road – and it may be difficult to be able to turn around on the way out. There are currently no public transportation options to/from the trailhead.


Things to know about visiting Havasupai

Havasupai is a sovereign Native American nation with its own rules, customs, laws, and way of life – please be respectful of the land, the people, and your fellow visitors. The Havasupai Reservation is federal trust land. Trespassing is a violation of both Tribal and Federal Law, and is punishable thereunder both civilly and criminally. Entrance upon the Reservation constitutes consent to the civil jurisdiction of the Havasupai Tribe. If you bring something onto Havasupai lands, you are responsible for also bringing it back off of Havasupai lands – do NOT leave anything behind. The following are NOT permitted: alcohol, drugs, drones, amplified music, littering, nudity, jumping, diving, climbing, fishing, hunting, horses, dogs, animals, carts, bikes, vehicles, fires, fireworks, firearms, weapons, boats, rafts, kayaks, inner tubes, pool floats, pool toys, styrofoam, water guns, taking photos of Havasupai people or property, and anything else that may be hazardous or discourteous. Violations may be subject to fines and/or imprisonment under Havasupai, Arizona, and/or U.S. Federal law. Possession, distribution, or consumption of alcohol anywhere within the boundaries of the Havasupai Reservation (which also includes the Hilltop trailhead parking area) is a Tribal and Federal crime, punishable by up to one year of imprisonment. 18 U.S.C. §§ 1154 and 1156. You are responsible for the conduct and actions of everyone on your reservation. To decrease your personal liability, be sure that everyone on your reservation sets up their own free account here on HavasupaiReservations.com so that they will also be able to read and agree to all of this. Note that this document may be updated at any time – and all visitors are responsible for updating themselves prior to their visit. You affirm that you accept and agree to all Havasupai rules, laws, regulations, and official orders, and release the Havasupai Tribe and its people, employees, and contractors from any and all liability.

Visitors should be alert at all times throughout their visit and carry plenty of water, especially during summer when temperatures can soar to well over 100 degrees Fahrenheit (38 degrees Celsius). Please also be prepared for the summer Monsoon season (June 15 through September 30) when there is an increased chance of rain and flash flooding. If you hear or see flood waters approaching, or if you are caught in a rain storm, climb to high ground immediately and wait until it clears.

There are no public health facilities in the village. In the event of an injury, it may take many hours to get treatment or be transported out of the canyon. Trained emergency rescue teams are not available in the village. In case of an emergency, helicopter transportation is necessary and the financial cost will be high and family members will not be taken with the patient but will need to find their own way out of the canyon. The cost of evacuation is solely the responsibility of the injured party. Trip/travel insurance is thus highly recommended.

Although not anticipated or likely, circumstances may arise that result in the closure of the Havasupai Indian Reservation to tourists. The Havasupai Tribal Tourism Department will do its best to post closures on its websites (theofficialhavasupaitribe.com) as promptly as possible. The Havasupai Tribal Tourism Department will also attempt to reschedule the reservations originally scheduled during times of closure. However, due to the high demand for reservations, the Havasupai Tribal Tourism Department cannot guarantee that all reservations will be rescheduled to desired dates. If such closures occur that result in the cancellation of reservations, the Havasupai Tribe will not be responsible for any expenses related to a planned trip to Supai, including but not limited to, required fees paid to the Havasupai Tribal Tourism Department, transportation costs, clothing, equipment, medical expenses, hotel reservations, food, etc.

The above is just an overview of some of the possible issues and challenges of visiting Havasupai and Havasu Falls. Please come prepared, stay safe, and enjoy your visit!